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Try this delicious drink to fend off that winter cold!

Writer: Kristina GravesKristina Graves

Who else is fed up of not being able to head out without a pack of tissues because of a runny nose or having to repeatedly mute your teams meeting because of a spluttering cough?

Me too.

So I thought I’d try something a bit fad-dy but sounded not completely nonsensical (can you tell how little I believed in it?).

But  I was so surprised! I’ve managed to make it all the way to the end of December without a cold this winter, which is utterly unheard of for me!

The secret? A ginger lemon shot.

You’ll have seen it in the shops for a ridiculous amount of money but lucky for you lot, I’ve found a really tasty recipe that is basically exactly the same and costs a fraction of the price!


  • Jug blender or juicer

  • Nut milk bag (DIY option available*)


  • 60g of Raw Ginger

  • 1 lemon (add the rind to make is extra punchy)

  • 400ml of pressed apple juice


Depending on the quality of your blender, you can throw all the ingredients in together and whizz it up into a pulpy liquid.

Then filter this through a nut milk bag or something similar (DIY options available*) and, bobs your uncle, easy as that you’ve got a delicious, healthy tonic that will fend off a cold symptoms and aid recovery if you do get sick and power you through the  remaining winter months.

All health benefits of ginger found here and lemon benefits found here.


My top hacks if you don't have and don’t want to buy a nut milk bag

Nut milk bags are quite a niche product when you think about it. And, if you aren’t in the habit of pulverising oats or cashews everyday, it’s not something you’re likely to have lying around. So I’ve listed a few alternatives that aren’t specifically made for filtering liquids but do a pretty good job anyway if you have them tucked away in a cupboard.

Use a clean pillow case that you’re happy to sacrifice. It will stain it so be prepared to fully repurpose it. But the corner is particularly good for gathering the liquid allowing you to squeeze the filtered juice through it. It’s also got a tight weave so you‘ll get an extra clear juice too!

A clean tea towel will also do the trick, although as above, be prepared to dedicate it as a juice filtering tea towel from now on.

Homemade nut milk bag

I (my mum) actually made a homemade nut milk bag when we tried making our own nut milk during lockdown. It was super duper easy if you’re adept with a needle.

If you have some netted fabric going spare (ours came from some flowers my dad had bought her), you can cut a 60cm x 20cm rectangle, fold it in half and stitch 3 of the edges together to create a 2D pouch that can be used to filter.

Easy peasy, repurposing old materials and best of all, FREE! health benefits of lemon daily juice lemon and ginger ginger and lemon ginger shot cold and flu remedy cold and flu remedy health juice



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